Thursday 24 May 2012

Films of the 70's with religious themes

Because the sixties to most had a lack of social morals encouraging free love & experimentation with drugs this continued into the 70's especially with the second wave of Feminism & the introduction of the pill.

People who sought enlightenment after acid trips we're looking for spirituality and had turned there back on the Christian beliefs of there parents now saw aspects of the church as an archaic institution & something with hidden secrets.

Cults started to appear & nu Christians or " Jesus Freaks " started to form churches. Named Jesus freaks because these people had previously been tripping on ecstasy & LSD & having freak outs.

Horror films released at the time focused in on this unease with traditional Christian beliefs & played on people's fear of evil, the devil, & the supernatural.

However, Others weren't particularly bothered & found humour & satire in the life of Jesus. Like the cast of minty python & there film the Life of Brian.

" He's not the Messiah he's a very naughty boy "

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