Thursday 31 May 2012

To do list

During half term I also need to complete my books as I feel you can see my thought processes develop through them, from primary research and inspiration to contextual artists. I feel it will be a shame not to complete them as the installation and the two books have begun to inform each other. Practical work has had to take priority over finishing pages in the book I have already started, but I feel it is important to include the textile samples I have produced.

I need to finish

Zandra Rhodes page

BIBA page

Mark Ryden large page

I will also be adding

Two collages:  a 70s mood page and an installation collage

A feminist artist page

Needlework & screen print pages

& more stained glass.

Floating Mary

I asked today about the possibility of having a piece cut out of my board with a jigsaw so I can put a faux piece of stained glass in, the boards in the old building were thrown out with the move & the new ones are costly so it's unlikely I'll be able to do so. This is unfortunate, but I shall endevour to find a way round this.

I've continued with my prayer cushions & then at twelve broke off to choose my digital images.

Used my own drawings then flipped the neg to create a different look from the originals.

I also found some classical Catholic imagery which I changed with an arts graphic on the Word program to distort the image and break up its lines while still retaining its identification.

I then asked my class mates which prints they preferred & they liked the computer produced image.

I then scaled the images on mac, multiplied them & made them circular.

The image was then put on transfer paper & laminated to heat seal.

I then cut out the images on a light box before soaking them, placing them on my plates & peeling them off to leave the image behind.

If I was more confident on the Mac I would have used photoshop to create the image, as transferring the image from Windows to Mac was a little tricky.

Putting the transfer on was difficult to but as I assumed this would be the case I bought practice plates.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Jack of all trades

An extremely busy day: a priority was to glaze the fish. I was advised that transfer images are not successful on rounded or textured surfaces, so I have opted to use this technique solely on my plates.

Next on the list, two free-style embroideries of  lines from The Lord's Prayer to be included in my book. Having done that, I screen printed my prayer cards and the mausoleum railing and started to make my cushions &amp appliqué screen prints samples.

My aim is to have as much work completed as possible so that at half term I can continue to do the aspects of  the installation that can be done without college facilities.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Exhibition space is not democratic

Exhibition Space is Not Democratic - the words uttered at today's student meeting with art & media staff.

This doesn't exactly fill me with confidence; democracy is wonderful  -the Greeks were smart people, why on earth shouldn't space be divided equally?

In my mind, I envision the instillation to be in a corner, so that people are able to step inside,  however this may not be the case now & I will simply have to adapt to what I am given.

I have to say I not best pleased, as I dislike uncertainty.  I dislike being reliant on other people making choices on my behalf, it makes me so uncomfortable, and sometimes anxious and irritable, & even angry, which, in turn, makes me sad.  I dislike getting flustered as I'm usually a balanced  Zen person.

It would have been far more preferable to be able to say what space is required in a second pitch, or a written proposal, because now some people will not be able to have the whole body of their work seen if the space they are given is too small. because of a lack of space.  I think that by doing it the way it has been decided, somebody is going to feel disappointed and let down. The issue of space  is not a new one at College, as we have been told that in previous years the parents of students have been in to say how upset their children have felt because of the  unequal distribution of available space.

I am unaware of what the media students want or if we are sharing the same space or if we are divided up into pathways, fine art at one side textiles at the other.

I can however comment on other people's work on the Foundation.

Toby is doing structural origami sculptures & I wouldn't like to be next to his work as visually I don't think the blocking would work.

I wouldn't like to be next to Laura, as her textile pieces are coloured by nature & my greens & man-made objects could clash horribly & neither would complement the other.

Jodie's work is lovely & colourful as is Robin's,. which is why I wouldn't like to be next to them as when you see all my colours I want it to feel like a colourful slap in the face, loud & a little garish.

I would like to be close to

Leyla & her city scape a black, white and grey canvas with a big red London bus on it.

Abby's clothing: although it is bright and colourful the fabrics also have a pearled quality to them & her purple & dress could jar nicely with my mustard & orange.

Henifa is producing models & architectural sketches which are devoid of colour & quite angular & my piece would be a good juxtapose to her's.

Mrs Di Caprio, mrs Di Caprio, Mrs Di Caprio

Catherine Martin and Baz Lurhman are my dream team. I adore Catherine's set design and costuming and Baz's unique take on communication. Bazmart, as the production company is called, is famous for the red curtain trilogy - Strictly Ballroom, Romeo and Juliet, and Moulin Rougue.
At 11, I saw Romeo and Juliet at the cinema and my world has never been the same since.
It inspires me to seek out colour and look for the smaller details in life, to embrace love and language, and took me from being a pre-teen proclaiming her love for Leo on her school books to a twenty-three-year old women living in Stratford Upon Avon working at the RSC.

The lead actors were Leonardo Di Caprio and Claire Danes, who I'd first seen in Little Women and My So Called Life and the general ensamble included the late Pete Postlethwaite and a young John Leguizamo.

The themes of Love and Fate, Dreams and Death, flow through Romeo and Juliet and the Elizabethan crowd was a religious one. Luhrman and Martin included this in their 1996 retelling of the story: the language of Shakespeare stayed the same and the enviroment the star crossed lovers inhabit is just as violent and sexual.

17 years after its original release this film stands the test of time and is still my favourite.

Love Exposure

I enjoy Japanese and South Korean film, Tales of Vengance usually bode well with me as do love stories and a little perversion never goes awry,so Love Exposure is pretty much the perfect film for me.
It's a surreal story which follows the lives of three teens and witnesses their paths crossing ,to cause chaos.
It's very viseral and the cinematography is incredible as well as being genuinely funny as well as horrifying.

The Buddy Christ ,,,,,, Don't it "POP"

  Crazy for cults 3d needle point of the buddy christ.

buddy christ - adrunkinhobo - deviant art

Dogma is an epic film and in my opinion the best film Kevin Smith has ever produced.
It tells the story of two angels cast out of heaven who want to return home but are unable to do so, until they find a loophole in dogmatic law.

It's smart and funny and stars Alanis Morasette as God and  The late George Carlin, the stand up and political satirist, as The Cardinal.

Burning toast

I will be transferring images to the fish & for that reason they need to be glazed in white.

I have dipped the toast in glaze & I've removed the excess so the scratched image underneath shows.

I have taken pictures of the toast at this stage in case the clay becomes to fragile & shatters.

Plan of action

Some of  the work for my FMP will need equipment only available at College:  I need a kiln and to be a le to do screen printing, and I will also appreciate feedback.

But there are a number of things I don't need to be in college to do & these can be done at home.

Image transfer
Hand sewing.

So with that in mind, this Bank Holiday weekend will be spent doing the following tasks

I need to buy:
Foam - ( for padding the seat )
Glue gun sticks,
More printer credits
Double sided tape
Pencil sharpeners ( multiple )
Pro plus & Energy drinks.

I'm very much a night owl & will happily work my caffeinated head off till 4am.

My books are nearing completion now & I will be referring to them & sketching while compiling the installation.

Tasks to be done

Papering the bed side table
Planning the shrine
Decorating the shrine
Securing the shrine so things aren't taken from it.
Securing the copper plates to the display stand.
Softening the paper
Sharpening all the pencil crayons
Finding a suitable container for pencil crayons.
Making a prayer cushion.

The lampshade

Vintage Catholic kitsch

Small booklets ranging from the early 50's threw to the late 70's.

Monday 28 May 2012

Putting it together

Before pictures of installation pieces.


The majority of found & up cycled objects & documents have been sourced locally.

From this shop I sourced

Figurines, a font, a book on saints, a book on Lourdes,& my prayer cards.

The prayer cards have been transferred to acetate for screen printing.

Friday 25 May 2012

Mommas & Poppas

These pictures are of my parents & were taken in the 70's.

In some you can see the decor of the time & the fashions.

Mutton chops,
Long hair
Boho maxi dresses
Flared trousers