Tuesday 26 June 2012


I planned to evaluate the success of my piece by public opinion.
This doesn’t truly reflect on a pieces success as public and critic opinion of works past has been negative and in years to follow the artists has been well regarded as fashion and times have changed. For example George Seurat was not regarded as a popular artists in his day as his scene were informal and some critics were apposed to the subjects swimming topless. Where as now we understand what Seurat was trying to achieve with pointalism and his park scenes are tranquil, enlightening and within the context of his lifetime inform us of chaing social morays and the upward mobility of the working classes now being able to enjoy leisure time.

However I feel as though my piece panders to public opinion, and as such I would be surprised if it didn’t get a positive reaction.
I am not making any social commentery I am mearly reflecting on a past decade and the importance of catholiosism in the 70’s and posing the question how important is religion to people currently. As my piece is reflective and somewhat nostalgic I have an assurance that a margin of the expected audience. People who are older than 40 especially,
I hope it also appeals to people born in the 70’s who have some recolection of the style and colours of the time but weren’t old enough to be out in the world.
I also hope it appeals to people who ( like myself ) have parents who were togeather in the 70’s and grew up with films and music that there parents enjoyed when they were younger.

I am happy with the general feel of the piece and how it’s evolved organically.
Apart from the equipment used to create and embellish the pieces.
( glue sticks, dye, thread, double sided tape, paper, candles, fairy lights, ink ,)
Nothing else has been bought new. The peacock chair was from clickies in colne who specialise in second hand furniture. The Catholic items were all found in Saints and Ladies shop in Great Harwood, the wallpaper and tv set on ebay, the throw and magazine rack, padiham hospice charity Shop. The plates and lamp were from Cancer Research in Blackburn. So at least 85 percent of the items used in creating the instillation were bought have contributed to a charitable causes.
The foam block for the peacock chair was very kindly donated to me by my Aunt.

The beauty of this work is that I can recycle pieces after they have been used for the instillation. I currently have no carpeting in my back bedroom so I can use the throw on the foor, I plan to paint the peacock chair, and to put some of the catholic items on ebay and charity.I also plan to give the rubbing plaque to a Sunday School.

My aim was to upcycle, and recycle vintage catholic objects and I have achieved this.
I feel my work is unique and says something about my personality and influences but I also feel I have produced items which could be reproduced and sold as interior items.

I feel I have created my welcoming room and filled my own brief.
There is nothing within the instillation that I believe could offend.
My design books have pieces of work in them which could be viewed as offensive and though they are available to view they are wedged in a magazine rack and I will put a sticker on saying contents may offend. My main reason for having the magazine rack is so that should the examiner from the awarding body wish to look at my books they are available to view as part of the instillation.

Quite a few people contributed to the installation with rubbings.
I had positive feedback and almost acquired a live in resident as one little girl did not want to leave the space.

Mildly irritated

As the assessment is due Friday I came into college to fix the bodged job Jamie did with the tv.

I did not want to be assessed and marked down on presentation threw no fault of my own.

I was quite angry in my last post because I'd been let down.

It took me four minuets to do this today, it also took a 45 minuet drive and a detour on the day I was having an MRI scan.

I'm still irritated, I think most people would be.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Exhibition day

No shelf. I scavenged around for wood off cuts. Slotted them into the top of the radiator so I could have some way of displaying the fish, hardly ideal but needs must.

While searching for off cuts I found meter length sticks & thought they would make a good dado rail.
I marked them and Toby cut them for me. I then attached double sided foam tape to the backside and fastened it to the boards.

I had asked permission not to be in so I could go and watch my dads FMP performance & was told to come in early to finish the tv. I did so but still wasn't helped.
i said I needed to go & Jamie said trust me there will be music in there when you get back, unfortunately I did.

When I got in to the exhibition there was a battery stereo clearly visible in the tv and my test card still hanging by Sellotape above it, it had one song on a loop.

I was irritated and insulted.
I spent hours looking for an old tv locally on eBay, I don't drive and had to arrange to pick it up on a day where I was traveling over to my parents.

I couldn't strip it myself, it was simple but I didn't have the strength to do it.
Stu and my dad did.

I requested a tablet well over a month before the exhibition, Jamie said he would bring one in and repeatedly let me down.

Yes the music was in there, but it's a tv not a radio. I wanted old footage of the 70's.

I feel so let down, I had even printed out a test card onto paper to cover up the screen could Jamie not fit the tablet in. He hadn't bothered to cover it up.
I don't think he even tried to put a tablet in.

If a tutor says they will do something it should be done to a exhibition standard and it wasn't.

I am angry and irritated at being brushed of and lied to.

If he could not do it and didn't have the gumption to pull it together.
Have the backbone to admit that you can't do it, don't have the time to, or the inclination to rather than leaving someone else's work looking slap dash and unfinished.

If I knew how it was going to look and how I was going to be let down.
I would have asked to borrow a cd player, fit it with battery's, and bought a 70's cd. But again that's cost I would have had to budget for and would have needed time to plan.

I should have been able to rely on the college to provide the equipment it has.

I am so glad it's over with.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Nearly done

All that's left to do is put some music in the tv & Jamie is going to install that for me.

I also still haven't been able to put my fish up and Jamie told me that they would put a shelf up.

This is the finish installation sans fish.

Installation taking shape

Wallpaper up
Furniture in
Shrine Decorated, lit, and objects fixed.

The toast has been fixed to the wall.

Thursday 14 June 2012

Finished fish & toast

I am very pleased with how my fish turned out. The glaze on them isn't exactly what I wanted but they look super.

My toast is just great too. It's just as I hoped they would turn out & I'm so happy they haven't cracked. X

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Is documenting tv shows of relevance ?

Yes. I recently made a post about religious comedy's of the 90's and posed the question if aired now would they have the same viewing figures ?

How we perceive our environment and soak up pop culture shapes our identity,helps our understanding of others, and by immersing ourselves in the things we have a passion for we contribute to our friends and family's social consciousness.

These boys are from Ireland, are currently in Poland for the European cup, and have gone viral with this hilarious stunt which is a pastiche to Father Tedd.